Perle de Bay was founded by two girls T & R who were fascinated by those frenchy Pearl jewelry but struggle to find them with top-notch quality in the Bay Area.

Most gems come from the bowels of the Earth, made by pressure and heat over millions of years. But Pearl— the most famous biological gems, is created as a part of life.

We embrace the unique and naturalness of Pearl. All our designs are inspired by the French & American cultures. 

Perle de Bay 是源自兩個女生 T & R 在灣區創立的珠寶品牌,"Perle"是法文珍珠的意思,發音和"Belle"相似。創辦人們喜歡法式風格的優雅,隨性和大膽,而珍珠更是其中標誌性的元素。我們擅長用飾品做創新的搭配,藉著獨特的設計和高品質的珍珠,誠意把每件飾品呈現給大家。 

"Pearls are unique and special, just like every one of you! Get one to start your "Pearl-fect" day now!"
